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Movement System Dysfunction and Pain: Breaking the Cycle

Pain and movement are intricately connected, and when this connection is disrupted, it can lead to a cycle of pain and dysfunction. Understanding the relationship between movement system dysfunction and pain is crucial for breaking this cycle and restoring a pain-free, active life.

The Interplay of Pain and Movement

Imagine pain as a signal from your body, a signal that something isn’t right. When pain occurs, our natural response is to protect ourselves by altering our movement patterns. This protective mechanism can be beneficial in the short term, preventing further injury. However, problems arise when this protective behavior becomes chronic.

Movement System Dysfunction Defined

Movement system dysfunction refers to abnormalities or impairments in the way our body moves and functions. This dysfunction can result from a variety of factors, including injury, muscle imbalances, poor posture, or even the fear of pain itself. These dysfunctions often lead to altered movement patterns, which, in turn, contribute to the cycle of pain.

The Vicious Cycle of Pain and Dysfunction

The cycle begins when pain triggers protective movement changes. These changes, while initially protective, can lead to:

  • Muscle Imbalances: Pain can cause certain muscles to become overactive, while others become underactive. This imbalance further exacerbates movement dysfunction.
  • Compensatory Patterns: When one area of the body is in pain, we may unknowingly shift stress to other areas, leading to compensatory movement patterns.
  • Reduced Mobility: Pain often results in decreased joint mobility and muscle flexibility, limiting our ability to move freely.
  • Fear of Pain: Anticipating pain can cause us to move hesitantly or avoid certain movements altogether, leading to a sedentary lifestyle.

Physical Therapy: The Key to Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the cycle of pain and movement dysfunction requires a comprehensive approach, and physical therapy plays a pivotal role in this process.

Precise Assessment

Physical therapists are experts in assessing movement dysfunction. We use a combination of clinical observation, functional tests, and patient history to identify abnormal movement patterns.

Targeted Interventions

Once the dysfunction is identified, physical therapists develop personalized treatment plans that target the root causes. Our treatment plans will often include:

  • Manual Therapy: Techniques such as joint mobilization and soft tissue manipulation help restore mobility.
  • Therapeutic Exercises: Targeted exercises address muscle imbalances and improve strength and flexibility.
  • Education: Understanding the relationship between pain and movement is empowering. Education helps patients make informed choices about their activities.

Gradual Progression

The journey to restoring pain-free movement is gradual and requires patience. Physical therapists guide patients through a progressive rehabilitation program, ensuring that they regain function safely and effectively.

Embracing a Pain-Free, Active Life

At HolistiCare Physical Therapy, we understand the importance of addressing movement system dysfunction in pain management. We believe that movement is medicine, and our goal is to help you embrace an active, pain-free life.

Remember, pain should not dictate your lifestyle. By breaking the cycle of pain and movement dysfunction, you can regain control of your body and your life. Let’s work together to make this a reality.



Ruth L Chimenti, Laura A Frey-Law, Kathleen A Sluka, A Mechanism-Based Approach to Physical Therapist Management of Pain, Physical Therapy, Volume 98, Issue 5, May 2018, Pages 302–314,