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Enhancing Recovery: Preoperative Education’s Role in Physical Therapy


Successful recovery post-surgery starts well before the operation itself. Emerging research underscores the importance of preoperative education in physical therapy, significantly impacting postoperative outcomes.

The Impact of Preoperative Education

The study by Soeters et al. (2018) highlights that preoperative physical therapy education is instrumental in helping patients reach functional milestones more quickly after total joint arthroplasty. This proactive approach prepares patients by managing expectations and understanding the recovery process.

HolistiCare’s Innovative Approach

At HolistiCare Physical Therapy, preoperative education is a key component of patient care. Aligned with the latest research findings, HolistiCare provides customized educational programs to prepare patients for their surgical journey and recovery.

Personalized Preoperative Programs

Understanding each patient’s unique needs, HolistiCare tailors its preoperative education to individual surgeries and rehabilitation goals. This ensures patients are well-equipped for their post-surgical rehabilitation.


Preoperative education in physical therapy is pivotal in enhancing surgical recovery. HolistiCare’s implementation of this practice exemplifies their commitment to holistic and informed patient care, setting a benchmark in physical therapy.


Soeters, R., White, P. B., Murray-Weir, M., Koltsov, J. C. B., Alexiades, M. M., Ranawat, A. S., & Hip and Knee Surgeons Writing Committee. (2018). Preoperative Physical Therapy Education Reduces Time to Meet Functional Milestones After Total Joint Arthroplasty. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 476(1), 40–48.